Unraveling the Mystery: Antd Form.Item Validator Doesn’t Trigger While Changing Input Value via Side Buttons
Image by Viktorka - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery: Antd Form.Item Validator Doesn’t Trigger While Changing Input Value via Side Buttons

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Are you tired of scratching your head, wondering why your Antd Form.Item validator refuses to trigger when you change the input value using side buttons? You’re not alone! This seemingly trivial issue has stumped many a developer, leading to hours of frustration and confusion. Fear not, dear reader, for today we shall embark on a thrilling adventure to uncover the solution to this pesky problem.

The Problem: Antd Form.Item Validator Not Triggering on Side Button Click

To set the stage, let’s create a simple Antd Form with a text input and two side buttons to increment and decrement the input value.

    rules={[{ required: true, message: 'Please enter a value' }]}
      onChange={(value) => setInputValue(value)}
    <Button onClick={() => setInputValue(inputValue + 1)}>+</Button>
    <Button onClick={() => setInputValue(inputValue - 1)}>-</Button>

At first glance, everything seems to be working as expected. The input value changes when you click the side buttons, and the validator is triggered when you try to submit the form with an empty input. However, here’s the catch: the validator doesn’t trigger when you change the input value using the side buttons. Why is that?

The Reason: Antd’s Form Validation Mechanism

Antd’s form validation mechanism relies on the `onChange` event of the input field to trigger the validation. When you change the input value using the side buttons, the `onChange` event is not triggered, as the input field itself hasn’t received any user input. This means the validator remains blissfully unaware of the changes made to the input value.

Solution 1: Using the `validateFields` Method

One possible solution is to manually trigger the validation using the `validateFields` method provided by Antd’s Form component.

<Form ref={formRef}>
    onClick={() => {
      setInputValue(inputValue + 1);
    onClick={() => {
      setInputValue(inputValue - 1);

By calling `validateFields` after updating the input value, you force the validator to re-evaluate the input field and trigger the validation. This solution works, but it can become cumbersome if you have multiple side buttons or a complex form structure.

Solution 2: Creating a Custom Validator

A more elegant solution is to create a custom validator that listens to changes in the input value, regardless of the source of the change.

const customValidator = (rule, value) => {
  if (!value) {
    return Promise.reject('Please enter a value');
  return Promise.resolve();

  rules={[{ validator: customValidator }]}

In this example, we define a custom validator function that takes the input value as an argument. The validator returns a promise that resolves or rejects depending on the value. By using this custom validator, you can ensure that the validation is triggered whenever the input value changes, regardless of whether it’s changed by user input or by clicking the side buttons.

Pros and Cons of Each Solution

Let’s weigh the pros and cons of each solution:

Solution Pros Cons
Using `validateFields` Method
  • Easy to implement
  • Familiar API
  • Requires explicit method call
  • Can become cumbersome with complex forms
Creating a Custom Validator
  • More flexible and customizable
  • Automatically triggered on input value changes
  • Requires more code and complexity
  • May require additional error handling


In conclusion, we’ve uncovered the reason behind Antd Form.Item validator’s reluctance to trigger when changing input value via side buttons. We’ve also explored two solution options: using the `validateFields` method and creating a custom validator. By understanding the intricacies of Antd’s form validation mechanism, you can choose the solution that best fits your needs and create a seamless user experience.

Final Thoughts

Remember, when working with Antd’s Form component, it’s essential to understand the underlying validation mechanism to avoid common pitfalls. By being aware of the `onChange` event’s limitations, you can design your forms to accommodate various input scenarios, including side buttons and other external value changes.

Now, go forth and conquer the world of Antd forms!Here are 5 questions and answers about “Antd Form.Item validator doesn’t trigger while I change input value via side buttons”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your most pressing questions about Antd Form.Item validator!

Why doesn’t my Antd Form.Item validator trigger when I change the input value using side buttons?

When you update the input value using side buttons, the validator doesn’t trigger because the input value is not changed by user interaction. To fix this, you can manually trigger the validation by calling the `validate` method or by using the `shouldUpdate` property to specify when the validator should be triggered.

How can I manually trigger the validator when the input value is changed programatically?

You can manually trigger the validator by calling the `validate` method on the `Form.Item` instance. For example: `formItem.validate();` This will re-run the validators and update the error messages accordingly.

What is the `shouldUpdate` property, and how can I use it to trigger the validator?

The `shouldUpdate` property is a function that returns a boolean indicating whether the validator should be triggered. You can use it to specify a custom condition for triggering the validator. For example: `shouldUpdate: () => true` will always trigger the validator, while `shouldUpdate: () => false` will never trigger it.

Can I use the `onChange` event to trigger the validator?

Yes, you can use the `onChange` event to trigger the validator. However, keep in mind that this event is only triggered when the input value is changed by user interaction, not when it’s changed programatically. If you need to trigger the validator when the input value is changed programatically, use the `validate` method or the `shouldUpdate` property instead.

Are there any performance considerations when triggering the validator manually?

Yes, triggering the validator manually can have performance implications, especially if you have a complex form with many fields. Make sure to only trigger the validator when necessary, and consider using debouncing or throttling to avoid excessive validation requests.