CKAN 2.10 Update: Securing Your Cookies and Data
Image by Viktorka -

CKAN 2.10 Update: Securing Your Cookies and Data

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Are you ready to take your CKAN experience to the next level? The latest CKAN 2.10 update is here, and it’s packed with exciting features and security enhancements! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of secure cookies and explore how to update your CKAN instance to ensure the highest level of data protection.

What’s New in CKAN 2.10?

The CKAN 2.10 update brings a plethora of improvements and bug fixes, but we’re most excited about the enhanced security features. One of the most notable changes is the introduction of secure cookies, which will help protect your users’ data from prying eyes.

Secure Cookies: A Game-Changer for CKAN

So, what exactly are secure cookies? In a nutshell, secure cookies are HTTP cookies that are transmitted over a secure channel, such as HTTPS. This ensures that sensitive information, like user session IDs and authentication tokens, remain encrypted and protected from interception.

In CKAN 2.10, all cookies are now set with the “secure” flag by default, which means they’ll only be transmitted over HTTPS connections. This is a significant enhancement, as it helps prevent man-in-the-middle attacks and protects your users’ sensitive data.

Updating to CKAN 2.10: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you ready to take advantage of the new secure cookies feature? Follow these simple steps to update your CKAN instance to version 2.10:

  1. pip install -U ckan (Update CKAN using pip)
  2. ckan db upgrade (Run the database upgrade script)
  3. ckan -c /etc/ckan/default/ckan.ini restart (Restart CKAN)

That’s it! Your CKAN instance should now be running on version 2.10. However, before we dive into the world of secure cookies, let’s take a look at some additional configuration options you may want to consider.

Configuring Secure Cookies: Advanced Options

While secure cookies are enabled by default, there are some additional configuration options you may want to explore to further customize your CKAN instance:

Option Default Value Description
ckan.cookie_secure true Enables secure cookies
ckan.cookie_httponly true Sets the “httponly” flag for cookies, making them inaccessible to JavaScript
ckan.cookie_samesite lax Sets the “samesite” flag for cookies, controlling cross-site requests

These options can be configured in your CKAN configuration file (ckan.ini). For example, to disable secure cookies, you can add the following line:

ckan.cookie_secure = false

However, we strongly recommend keeping secure cookies enabled to ensure the highest level of data protection.

Best Practices for Secure Cookies in CKAN

Now that you’ve updated to CKAN 2.10 and configured your secure cookies, it’s essential to follow best practices to ensure maximum security:

  • Use HTTPS: Make sure your CKAN instance is running over HTTPS to take full advantage of secure cookies.
  • Set the “secure” flag: Ensure that the “secure” flag is set for all cookies, as described in the configuration options above.
  • Use the “httponly” flag: Enable the “httponly” flag to prevent JavaScript from accessing sensitive cookie data.
  • Implement CSRF protection: Use CKAN’s built-in CSRF protection features to prevent cross-site request forgery attacks.
  • Regularly update CKAN: Stay up-to-date with the latest CKAN releases to ensure you have the latest security patches and features.


The CKAN 2.10 update brings a significant enhancement to the world of data protection, and secure cookies are at the heart of it. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can ensure your CKAN instance is running with the latest security features and best practices.

Remember, security is an ongoing process, and it’s essential to stay vigilant and proactive in protecting your users’ data. With CKAN 2.10 and secure cookies, you’re one step closer to creating a safer and more secure data management platform.

Frequently Asked Question

CKAN 2.10 has introduced a game-changing update to secure cookies, and you’ve got questions! We’ve got answers!

What’s the big deal about CKAN 2.10 updating cookies to secure?

CKAN 2.10 has boosted security by introducing secure cookies, which means sensitive data is now better protected! This update ensures that cookies are transmitted over a secure channel, reducing the risk of tampering and unauthorized access. It’s a huge step forward in safeguarding your data!

How do I know if my CKAN instance is using secure cookies?

Easy peasy! Check your CKAN instance’s configuration file (usually `ckan.config` or `production.ini`) for the `cookie_secure` option. If it’s set to `True`, you’re all good! If not, you can enable it by setting it to `True` and restarting your CKAN instance.

Will this update break my existing CKAN plugins or extensions?

CKAN 2.10 has been designed to be backward compatible, so most plugins and extensions should work seamlessly. However, it’s always a good idea to test your plugins and extensions after updating to ensure everything is working as expected. If you encounter any issues, you can reach out to the CKAN community for support!

Can I still use insecure cookies for development purposes?

While it’s not recommended, you can disable secure cookies for development purposes by setting `cookie_secure` to `False` in your CKAN configuration file. Keep in mind that this reduces the security of your CKAN instance, so make sure to only do this for development environments and not for production!

What if I encounter issues with secure cookies after updating to CKAN 2.10?

Don’t panic! If you encounter any issues with secure cookies after updating to CKAN 2.10, you can check the CKAN documentation, search for solutions on the CKAN community forum, or reach out to the CKAN support team for assistance. We’re here to help you troubleshoot and get back on track!