Tomcat 9.0 Deployment: SAXParserFactory not found – The Ultimate Guide to Resolving this Frustrating Error
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Tomcat 9.0 Deployment: SAXParserFactory not found – The Ultimate Guide to Resolving this Frustrating Error

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If you’re reading this article, chances are you’ve encountered the dreaded “SAXParserFactory not found” error while deploying your application on Tomcat 9.0. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! This error has plagued many a developer, but fear not, for we’ve got the solution right here.

What is SAXParserFactory and Why Do I Need It?

SAXParserFactory is a Java API used for parsing XML documents. It’s an essential component of the Java API for XML Processing (JAXP). In Tomcat 9.0, the SAXParserFactory is used to parse XML configuration files, such as web.xml and context.xml. If the SAXParserFactory is not found, Tomcat 9.0 won’t be able to deploy your application, resulting in the error we’re trying to resolve.

The Root Cause of the Error

The “SAXParserFactory not found” error typically occurs when the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) used to run Tomcat 9.0 is missing the required XML parsing libraries. This can happen if:

  • You’re using a JRE instead of a JDK (Java Development Kit). The JRE doesn’t include the XML parsing libraries, whereas the JDK does.
  • The XML parsing libraries are not included in the CLASSPATH or are not accessible by Tomcat 9.0.
  • There’s a conflict with other XML parsing libraries in the CLASSPATH.

Step-by-Step Solution to Resolve the Error

Follow these steps to resolve the “SAXParserFactory not found” error and get your application deployed on Tomcat 9.0:

Step 1: Verify Your Java Installation

First, ensure you’re using a JDK (Java Development Kit) instead of a JRE (Java Runtime Environment). The JDK includes the necessary XML parsing libraries. You can check your Java installation by running the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

java -version

If you’re using a JRE, download and install a JDK from the official Oracle Java website.

Step 2: Check Your CLASSPATH

The CLASSPATH environment variable specifies the directories and JAR files that the Java runtime uses to find classes and other resources. Verify that the XML parsing libraries are included in the CLASSPATH.

You can check the CLASSPATH by running the following command:


(on Windows) or


(on Linux/Mac). The output should include the path to the JAXP APIs, typically located in the $JAVA_HOME/lib directory.

Step 3: Verify Tomcat 9.0’s Configuration

Check Tomcat 9.0’s configuration to ensure that the XML parsing libraries are included in the CLASSPATH. You can do this by:

1. Opening the $CATALINA_HOME/conf/ file.

2. Verifying that the following lines are present and uncommented:

common.loader=${catalina.home}/lib,${catalina.home}/lib/*.jar '${catalina.home}/lib/*.jar'
server.loader=${catalina.home}/lib,${catalina.home}/lib/*.jar '${catalina.home}/lib/*.jar'

These lines specify the directories and JAR files that Tomcat 9.0 uses to find classes and other resources.

Step 4: Add the XML Parsing Libraries to the CLASSPATH

If the XML parsing libraries are not included in the CLASSPATH, you can add them manually. You’ll need to include the following JAR files:

  • xalan.jar
  • serializer.jar
  • xml-apis.jar

You can find these JAR files in the $JAVA_HOME/lib directory or download them from the Oracle Java website.

Add the following lines to the $CATALINA_HOME/conf/ file:

common.loader=${catalina.home}/lib,${catalina.home}/lib/*.jar '${catalina.home}/lib/*.jar','${JAVA_HOME}/lib/xalan.jar','${JAVA_HOME}/lib/serializer.jar','${JAVA_HOME}/lib/xml-apis.jar'
server.loader=${catalina.home}/lib,${catalina.home}/lib/*.jar '${catalina.home}/lib/*.jar','${JAVA_HOME}/lib/xalan.jar','${JAVA_HOME}/lib/serializer.jar','${JAVA_HOME}/lib/xml-apis.jar'

Restart Tomcat 9.0 after making these changes.

Additional Troubleshooting Steps

If the above steps don’t resolve the error, try the following:

Check for Conflicting XML Parsing Libraries

If you’re using other XML parsing libraries, such as Apache Xerces, in your application, it might conflict with the built-in XML parsing libraries in the JDK. Try removing or excluding these libraries from your application’s CLASSPATH.

Verify Tomcat 9.0’s Deployment Directory

Ensure that the Tomcat 9.0 deployment directory is properly configured and doesn’t contain any conflicting XML parsing libraries.


In this article, we’ve covered the root cause of the “SAXParserFactory not found” error and provided a step-by-step solution to resolve it. By following these instructions, you should be able to deploy your application on Tomcat 9.0 without any issues related to the SAXParserFactory. Remember to verify your Java installation, check your CLASSPATH, and configure Tomcat 9.0 correctly to avoid this error.

Error Resolution Checklist
Verify Java Installation (JDK vs JRE)
Check CLASSPATH for XML parsing libraries
Verify Tomcat 9.0’s configuration
Add XML parsing libraries to CLASSPATH (if necessary)
Check for conflicting XML parsing libraries
Verify Tomcat 9.0’s deployment directory

By following this checklist, you’ll be able to identify and resolve the “SAXParserFactory not found” error, ensuring a smooth deployment of your application on Tomcat 9.0.

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your Tomcat 9.0 deployment woes!

Why does Tomcat 9.0 throw a SAXParserFactory not found error during deployment?

This error usually occurs due to the removal of the JAXP (Java API for XML Processing) implementation from the JDK (Java Development Kit) in Java 9 and later versions. As Tomcat 9.0 relies on Java 8’s JAXP implementation, which is no longer available in Java 9+, it throws this error. Fear not, though – we’ve got solutions for you!

How do I fix the SAXParserFactory not found error in Tomcat 9.0?

To fix this issue, you can either upgrade your Tomcat version to 9.0.31 or later, which includes the necessary JAXP implementation, or add the JAXP implementation to your Tomcat’s classpath by including the required JAR files. You can also configure your application to use a different XML parser implementation, like Apache Xerces.

What are the required JAR files to fix the SAXParserFactory not found error?

You’ll need to add the following JAR files to your Tomcat’s classpath: javax.xml.parsers-1.3.5.jar, javax.xml.validation-1.3.1.jar, and jaxp-ri-1.3.5.jar. These files can be downloaded from the Maven repository or other trusted sources. Make sure to add them to the correct location, usually the Tomcat’s lib directory.

Can I use a different XML parser implementation to avoid this issue?

Yes, you can! Apache Xerces is a popular alternative XML parser implementation that can be used instead of the default JAXP implementation. You can add the Xerces JAR files to your classpath and configure your application to use it. This approach can help you avoid the SAXParserFactory not found error altogether.

Is there a way to avoid this issue during deployment to Tomcat 9.0?

Yes, you can avoid this issue during deployment by packaging the required JAR files or the alternative XML parser implementation with your application. This way, your application will include the necessary dependencies, and Tomcat 9.0 won’t throw the SAXParserFactory not found error. Just make sure to configure your build tool, like Maven or Gradle, to include the required files.